live well. give well.
live well. give well.
Personal Philanthropytm is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Social Enterprise that helps individuals and organizations integrate Philanthropy into their lives and their businesses. Through our philanthropic projects, our philanthropic travel, consulting and educational programs, Personal Philanthropy provides all the tools you need to practice the joy of investing in the lives of others. Click here to view our IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter
The beautiful photography on this site reflects the talents of Mark Thompson, co-founder of All images, copyright 2009 Tell Their Story, Inc. Unless otherwise specified all content on this site is copyright 2009 by and may be only used with permission.
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welcome is for those who want to give with a purpose, who have both mutual expectations and a relationship with the people they give to. We are building a network of committed philanthropists to create opportunity in the lives of the poor.
Our portfolio of projects ranges from scholarships, to microfinance loans and venture philanthropy investment funds. Find out which project best reflects your values and then get engaged. We give you the opportunity to be personally involved or to make a donation that is passed on 100%.
Read our mission, vision and values and how we work
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Nilson received a scholarship from Help Them Hope which allowed him to study and pursue his own purpose in life. Help Them HOPE benefits former patients from the Hogar San Francisco de Asis.
Give a scholarship today and support an ambitious young adult’s journey.